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Most endpoints in the Universal Account API require authentication using JSON Web Tokens (JWT).

Authentication Flow

  1. Authenticate using one of the available methods:

    • Web3 wallet signature
    • Telegram
    • Email OTP
    • OAuth providers (Google, Facebook, Twitter)
  2. Receive a response containing:

    • accessToken - For immediate API access
    • refreshToken - For obtaining new access tokens
    • Expiration information for both tokens
  3. Include the access token in subsequent API requests:

Authorization: Bearer your_access_token_here

Token Refresh

When your access token expires, use the refresh token to obtain a new one:

POST /auth/refresh
Content-Type: application/json

"refreshToken": "your_refresh_token_here"

Authentication Headers

Many endpoints require the following common headers:

x-signatureRequest signature0x7ecd083ed2dde6a207d54e1cd61d24212a212e3f071a06b6e21c21a4ab0047f928ceda7ff2cee0571bd303a14adb7da6e8a26110cca65c52465b9f646857a5f31c
originDomain originhttp://localhost:3003/
x-api-keyAPI Keypk_1234567890abcdef

Security Considerations

  • Always transmit tokens over HTTPS
  • Store tokens securely in your application
  • Implement proper token expiration handling
  • Never share tokens or include them in client-side code